Resy / American Express: The Road Back Series

I have thoroughly enjoyed everything I’ve illustrated for Resy. Maybe it’s because I love food. But I also love the stories and people behind food.

This article, written by Resy’s Jon Bonné, asks etiquette expert Emily Post’s great-great granddaughter for some help with new-normal dining out manners as establishments and their patrons have had to adapt during the pandemic.

Conceiving of how to portray all the different aspects of pandemic dining was a challenge–– everyone is so socially distanced! I also wanted to highlight the simple joys of these new experiences and the creative resilience of restaurants, particularly with takeout. Thankfully, Resy has a happy brand color palette!

Portraying human connection and interaction––the thing we’ve most lacked in quarantine––and protective face coverings were also small challenges. Expression is key for telling an emotive visual story, so I decided to simply use color to indicate masks and offer an “x-ray” view of the faces behind them.

Art Direction: Tania Bou Samra & Allison Chesky